About Us
Logimaris – Logística e Navegação Lda., is a Shipping Agency, recognized by the competent Government Authority and by the Port of Lisbon Authority, founded in 1994, belongs to a new generation of shipping agencies.
Being shipowner minded, due to its long experience in regular liner containerized services and bulk operations, having simultaneously a proactive commercial stance, dedicated to meet the needs and requirements of the most demanding shippers, based on a good and personalized customer service, guaranteeing its total satisfaction, having acquired experience through the activity of shipping agency and rendering of integrated logistics services.
The reason for this project was based on the need to present something new to ship owners and operators with regard to ship management and related commercial activities, ensuring both ship owners and shippers, intermodal or multimodal door-to-door and one stop shop services, able to go further, offering partial or global logistics services, through a complete supply chain management.
Our Services

We lease and sell shipping containers of all sizes according to your needs.
Representing Seaco Global, one of the World’s biggest leasing companies, and connected to the best container manufacturers, we can supply a large range of equipment solutions at the best prices.
Ship and Shipping Agency
We understand that today, more than ever, Ship Agents should be the “right arm” of a shipowner and his shipping line, offering a full and complete service, in a clear and transparent way, while developing a good relationship with shippers, on behalf of its principals, conveying the real image of reliability and professionalism that its principals require and deserve.

Having the improvement of your Company competitiveness as our sole interest, we count on our reference partners in order to provide you with a complete or customized transport service, in an integrated way and in just one invoice.
Inspections & Surveys
Our staff have recognized capacity to carry out inspection and certification of cargoes, containers and lashing systems, safeguarding your responsibilities and your interests.

Based on a long time in business and a vast experience, we developed our specialized consulting services in the areas of transport, ports and logistics, putting all our knowledge at your service.
Let us know your projects or problems and wait for the best solutions coming from experienced and knowledgeable professionals.